

What I Read Wednesday

I love to read and it’s one of my favorite pastimes. Sadly, my squeeing about whatever book I am currently reading often doesn’t find the right audience (I can get a little Tolkien-esque in my level of detail when retelling). So I thought I’d share the books I’ve been reading and loving every Wednesday. Hopefully, you find something that you would like to read and talk about, too.

Latest Squee:

I just read the fifth book in the Touchstone Series, which follows Cassandra Devlin, an ordinary high school girl from Australia that ends up walking onto another planet accidentally and becoming part of the elite Setari (similar to Space Ninjas) and helping to protect the world from evil transdimensional beings. The fifth book is called In Arcadia and is written from Cassandra’s mother’s POV after the series officially ends. Here’s the blurb:

One does not simply walk onto another planet. At least not without the help of a daughter who has developed unlikely powers, fought an intra-dimensional war, and then arranged for a family relocation to a futuristic clone of Earth. Laura Devlin would gladly have paid any price to have her daughter back, so living in a techno-paradise with spaceship views is merely an added bonus. And a dream come true. But Arcadian paradises do not come without complications. Laura’s include a plethora of psychic grandchildren. Interplanetary diplomacy. Her daughter’s immense fame. And KOTIS, the military watchdog that seems to consider Laura’s entire family government property. Forewarned by her daughter’s experiences, Laura had anticipated as many problems as she could, and didn’t doubt her ability to cope with the rest. But she had not planned on Gidds Selkie, a military officer ‘chipped from flint’ and not at all the sort of man lifelong geek Laura had ever imagined would find her interesting. Burned in the past, Laura is surprised to find herself tempted. Is this a new start to go with a new world? Or a mismatch doomed to failure?

Find it here: Goodreads Amazon Barnes & Noble

I loved it. You definitely have to have read the previous books in the series to understand what’s happening, but it brings a new perspective to the series. All the other books in the series are from Cassandra’s POV, so it was a new way to experience the world and story through her mom’s eyes. It picks up pretty much where the fourth book left off, which is nice, and gives more background on how people are living their lives after the grand finale in book three. I am a sucker for epilogues showing people are happy, so this did not disappoint. It creates some new romances and opens the door to further stories due to the bombshell the author drops in the last chapter. All in all, a pleasant return to a lovely world and I look forward to seeing if Andrea K Höst continues the series!

Anyone else reading anything fun? Let me know what books you’re loving lately in the comments!