

I – I Work Out

Or actually, I don’t. But I am at the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life and I really don’t like the way my clothes are fitting. I mean, I could always go buy new, better fitting clothes (and I probably should), but I refuse to admit defeat. So I’m planning on starting to work out. I’ve always loved yoga and the mindfulness it trains you to reach, and it also helps with flexibility, which I suck at. I literally cannot reach farther than my upper shins in a standing bend, it’s so bad.

I’m planning on doing yoga every night before bed, which I used to do in high school when I was at my most bendy. I’ve always done this A.M. and P.M. Yoga for Beginners, mostly because I got the DVD for free from my grandma.

Somewhere in the past several years, I lost my copy, so I tried a few different P.M. yoga practices that I found on YouTube, but nothing really hit the spot for me like this did. So I’ve ordered myself another copy, and I’ll let you guys know when it gets here.

I’ve also decided to try running more. I really like the lean look that runners get and it’s a pretty cheap exercise (read: free, since I have running shoes). Another bonus: it’ll help me hatch more eggs in Pokémon Go. I’m sure I can’t run too far or for very long, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

I’m debating trying the One Punch Man workout to get my cardio and strength training in. For those who aren’t as obsessed with anime like I am, One Punch Man is an anime that parodies a lot of the fighting animes. It follows Saitama, a guy who decided to become a superhero for fun and trained really hard to get there. Tragically, he’s now so strong, he defeats every villain with one punch and is suffering from boredom.

What was his training regimen, you ask? He does 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, and runs 10 kilometers every day (a little over six miles for us Americans), and never turns on the heat or the air conditioning to build mental fortitude. The training is presented as a joke in the anime because everyone expects him to have done some sort of inhuman training, but it’s actually really doable. While I wouldn’t give up my heat for anything (I’m too cold-blooded to survive our Washington winters), I’d be willing to work my way up to the full training program. I don’t think I can even do one full push up right now, but I really want to tone up, and other people who’ve tried this have ridiculously amazing before and after photos.

In true internet fashion, I plan on taking before photos tomorrow when there’s light out and I’ll update this post with them. Because pics or it didn’t happen, after all. Wish me luck as I start trying to improve myself! Let me know in the comments if you would try this workout or what you do to get/ stay in shape!